Carleigh Drew is a graphic designer and a marketing consultant who enjoys working with her hands in various mediums such as ceramics, textiles, painting and gardening.
Can you tell us a bit about your background as an artist?
When I was young I loved to draw and make things, inspired by the creative ability of my mother and relatives. As a young adult I stopped creating. I didn’t make time anymore and ended up burned out, uninspired and lacking direction. I’m now on a mission to create as I realize how important it is to my soul and the last few years have been a wonderful adventure. In 2017 I took off a summer from work to attend Central St Martins school in London to learn more about textiles and fashion. In 2018 I took another month and half off to travel to Bali for a training on feminine spirituality and wellness. Then 2019 found me on the road half of the year, living and working out of a Westfalia camper van. By fall/winter I was back in studio (home) and furthering embroidery projects and portraits. Early this year I began working with ceramics at our local community Makerspace.
How did you hear about FluevogCreative?
I found out about that competition when shopping on Fluevog’s website for shoes.
What was the inspiration behind your piece, “Royalty without Rules”?
My head spun with ideas for the Super Fine Dutchess and its regal beauty. I brought to mind bold Dutchesses who have contributed to shifting traditions: Meghan and Harry leaving England; Edward abdicating the throne for Wallis Simpson (she favoured unique choices like the famous Schiaparelli lobster dress and married Edward in a halo-like headdress); Georgiana Cavendish in her journey for love and freedom; the late Deborah Cavendish, sweeping through her yard in regal attire (gown, cloak, jewels), feeding her abundant and dearly loved chickens. These unique characters, their stories and images mingled in my mind.
Tell us a bit about your creative process.
As mentioned I did some detective work into the term Dutchess, its history and characters, looking for connections to capture the essence of what I wanted to convey. Using a vanitas painting reference, I sketched a still life scene, interweaving visual cues from these stories with regal display of delicacies and curiosities, befitting the ‘Super Fine Dutchess’. To contrast and modernize the Renaissance still-life concept, I digitally overlaid bright and colourful modern fauvist elements.
Apart from art and design, what do you like to do for fun?
I love being in nature! My sense of awe in the world is renewed. Gardening, hiking, camping, walking, biking, exploring/adventuring. I also love to spend time with my dear family, friends, partner and our cat, Milton Butters.
To see more of Carleigh’s work, visit her website!