Holly Pierson is a San Francisco Bay Area based artist who specializes in digital illustration and traditional inking. She is often found creating darkly whimsical characters and stories of the strange and unusual. Read on to find out more about this FluevogCreative winning artist in her own words!
Can you tell us a bit about your background as an artist?
I have always loved drawing. I created my first comic book superhero when I was seven years old, a character known as Platypus Girl. I struggled to fit in during my early school years, and spent class breaks drawing myself into imaginary worlds and adventures. In time, I earned a BFA in illustration at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I thought, since I’m going to draw no matter what, I might as well make a career of it.
How did you hear about FluevogCreative?
A Fluevog-wearing artist friend told me about the contest and encouraged me to enter.
How long have you been Fluevogin’ for?
Confession time…I have never owned a pair of Fluevogs. But I have coveted a pair of Gladstone boots for years. I learned about Fluevogs when friends of mine kept showing up to events wearing the most awesome shoes. Every time I commented on their shoes, my friends would say “They’re Fluevogs!” Sadly the spiffy Fluevog shoes of awesomeness were out of my freelance artist budget. So if I can’t afford to buy them I’m just going to have to win some!

What was the inspiration behind your piece, “Be Unique”?
The Mellow Jazzy is a large, bright stand-out kind of boot. I wanted to show that standing out, going against the norm, and being yourself can brighten up an otherwise very dull world. Why not make yourself a unique walking work of art? I also spend a lot of time on San Francisco city buses and they’re simply the best place for people-watching. You never know who’s going to get on.

Tell us a bit about your creative process.
For me, art is a way of telling a story. So once I have an assignment or idea, I walk around for a few days composing that story in my head. Who are my characters? What story do I want to tell? How will I tell that story in a single image? For inspiration, I even create a soundtrack of music that fits whatever it is I’m working on. Once I have a story in my head, I compose a snapshot of that story. I usually have the illustration composed in my head before I begin to put it on paper or screen. Either all of that, or maybe I’ll just sit down and start doodling until something looks cool!
Apart from art and design, what do you like to do for fun?
I’m a bit of history and natural science enthusiast! I love going to museums, zoos, and historical locations and taking a million photos for inspiration later. Anything with local folklore or a spooky or unusual story behind it and I’m there! I also enjoy putting together costumes for historical or fantasy events and fairs.