Raven Larcom is a young artist and creative currently pursuing her studies at St Lawrence University. Read on to learn more about her diverse interests and the inspiration behind her winning FluevogCreative piece!Can you tell us a bit about your background as an artist?
Most of my family members are artists in one way or another and so growing up I was always encouraged to express myself through art. I’m actually set to graduate in May of 2020 from St. Lawrence University with a double major in studio art and biology so I have been able to take a wide range of art classes. I am most interested in photography, illustration, and digital media and hope to continue creating for the rest of my life!How did you hear about FluevogCreative?
I first heard about Fluevog shoes from my mother who loves them! Then I heard about FluevogCreative from Amy Hauber, through her Digital Media and Culture II class at St. Lawrence University. It was actually one of our assignments to create and submit two designs for this brief!How long have you been Fluevogin’ for?
I’ve been drooling over several Fluevog designs for a while now, but as a college kid, I couldn’t really afford them. I am really excited to begin my Fluevog collection!What was the inspiration behind your piece, “Unique Soles”?
I was particularly inspired by the “Unique Soles for Unique Souls” Fluevog slogan and by the recent gender fluid and body positivity movements. At the end of the day, Fluevogs are for everyone and I love that!
Tell us a bit about your creative process.
I actually just started by doodling on my notes in lectures. I knew that I wanted the shoe to be the primary feature, and because the shoe makes references to the baroque era with the angel buckle, I decided that I wanted to contrast that with a simple and vibrant design. A lot of my artwork focusses on our perception of the human body so I decided to keep on that track with the hairy leg and a pink theme.
Apart from art and design, what do you like to do for fun?
Well, I am studying to become a biologist actually! I conduct research on wild bees and gardens within agricultural settings – so I spend a lot of my time taking care of my plants and learning more about pollinators. Besides that, I really like to rollerblade, road bike, and hike with my friends!
To see more of Raven’s work, visit her website and Instagram!