Shoe Stories by John: Morris, the Shoe Nut

By John Fluevog

Morris had a problem. Not a very big problem, really… Of all the problems one could have, it was in fact not really that big a problem at all.

Morris was a shoe nut. He was still nice. He obeyed most rules, did not hurt small animals or say nasty things about his friends. Morris even said his prayers at night.

But there was one thing that really made Morris go really super nutty. SHOES. Shoes that had names that started with the letter ‘F’ and more specifically, shoes that were called FLUEVOGS.

Morris had all the Fluevog shoe catalogues which he looked at constantly. He looked at Fluevogs online almost every day and he dreamt of Fluevogs at night. You could call it an obsession, but really, Morris was just being Morris.

Like we said at the beginning of this story, having a shoe addiction is not really all that bad, except that Morris was lonely and the other thing was that Morris was a mouse.

Fluevogs did not come in mouse sizes and this was a good thing because Morris did not want them in mouse size. Morris wanted to be a real person and wear real Fluevogs in people sizes. And Morris also wanted to have a real girlfriend so he would not be lonely and they could both wear Fluevogs.

So here was Morris – a mouse with no girlfriend and no Fluevogs. Now this was a big problem! This problem needed to be fixed.

Morris went on the internet. He searched the libraries. He asked all his friends, and not one of them knew how to change a mouse into a person so they could wear Fluevogs and fall in love with a real girl. Morris was sad.

One day when Morris was taking his afternoon nap he had a dream. In his dream he saw himself as a small mouse getting inside a Fluevog shoe and BAM! He became a real person!

That very day, Morris hopped on a bus (he did not need a ticket, as he was so small) and went directly to the Fluevog store¹. Morris slipped into the store, unnoticed of course, jumped up on the table and hopped into a Fluevog shoe… At first, nothing happened. Then Morris peeped out, and to his surprise, what did he see? Another girl mouse looking at him from inside a girl Fluevog shoe. She looked at him and he looked at her and then the magic happened.

PUFFFF! They both became real people wearing their Fluevogs and looking at each other. Filled with delight, Morris and his new friend Fairlady fell instantly in love with their Fluevogs and with each other.

And the rest, as they say, is mouse history².jfsignature



1. You may ask how he knew what stop to get off at? Well, one day if you ever meet Morris, you can ask him.

2. This story, of course, proves that dreams do come true when you dream big and wear Fluevogs. And yes, they did live happily ever after³.

3. And by the way, Morris and Fairlady were not nuts and did not have any problems. Only once in a while did they slip into mouse talk.

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