Anna Rasti

Anna Rasti

Anna Rasti is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Toronto. Read on to find out more about this FluevogCreative winning artist in her own words!

Can you tell us a bit about your background as an artist?

I am a junior graphic designer and illustrator based in Toronto! I was born and raised in Iran. I have spent most of my life designing and creating, which led me to an opportunity at an Architecture school in my home country, where I received the achievement of graduating from the program. After that, I received the chance to come to Canada and complete a Graphic Design Advanced Diploma at the Story Art Centre, Centennial College.

How did you hear about FluevogCreative?

I will never forget the first time I heard about Fluevog! It was a beautiful summer afternoon when I went to the Distillery District for the first time in Toronto. I accidentally noticed an exceptional shoe store, which was one of Fluevog’s branches!

How long have you been Fluevogin’ for?

I have known Fluevog for the last two years, but I officially have been Fluevogin’ since summer 2021!

What was the inspiration behind your piece, “Cheers to Warhol!”?

The main inspiration for my piece was the F-trip Warhol colors! I also got inspired by Afghan Hound dogs, which symbolize stylish and fashionable characters with a unique taste in art! Because F-trip Warhol is a new line of boots in Fluevog, I decided to illustrate the Afghan Hound Dog drinking champagne to celebrate the launching of new boots in Fluevog Company!

Tell us a bit about your creative process

My Creative Process always starts with sketching and brainstorming, which I believe is the most challenging part! After finishing the sketches and bringing all of my ideas on the paper, I start comparing and choosing a drawing with the best composition! The most enjoyable part is the final step, which is digitalizing the illustration! I usually bring the sketch into my iPad and start turning it into a digital piece.

Apart from art and design, what do you like to do for fun?

Apart from art and design, I love going to nature and watching the sunset! I also like cooking because it makes me so creative to try new recipes and enjoy my time!

Check out Anna’s work on her portfolio site and Instagram!

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